
Sídlo firmy a korešpodenčná adresa:
Obchodné meno:
Karol Bohil - KARBOTRADE
Šípková č. 4
945 01 Komárno
IČO: 35467037
IČ DPH: SK1020106846
Obchodné meno: Karol Bohil - Karbotrade, so sídlom Šípková 4, 945 01 Komárno, IČO: 35 467 037, zapísaný v živnostenskom registri Okresného úradu v Komárne. Živnostenský register č.: 401-10829
sp.č.: Žo - 99/00742/005
reg. č. 703/99
Telefón: 0905 628 700
Telefon: 06 30 717 9692 (magyar ügyfélszolgálat)
Mobil: +421 905 628 700 ( we speak English, Hungarian)
e-mail: info@absolute.sk - justin-sk ICQ - 421568666
Formulár na odstúpenie od zmluvy uzavretej na diaľku. Kliknite tu! odstúpenie PDF
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Otváracie hodiny |
Miesto podnikania (Predajňa): (ADRESA NA ODOSIELANIE VRÁTENÉHO TOVARU) ! |
Po. - Pia.: 9.00 - 17.00 |
Absolute fashion store |
Sobota: 9.00 - 14.00 |
Jókaiho 41 |
945 01 Komárno |
Informations for customers worldwide.
The website can be translated using the google browser. First, you choose: Translate from: Pick " SLOVAK" language to "ENGLISH", or whatever language you want. The google translator changes the site into UK version. If you have problems with order don't hesitate and contact us on infoline: +421905628700.
Payment: We can manage the payment by money transfer or by PayPal using the credit card for a secure payment. If it's a problem
to fill the order form online, there is an opportunity to send the order
here( using the link of desired piece) by e-mail. The delivery costs around 10 - 15 € (it depends on weight and courier, UPS, DPD ). Then just write us the sizes. We will provide you the IBAN account number. The whole process takes about 2 days and we will send the goods as soon as we get the payment. :-)The money comes usually within 2 days. Slovakia is in EU and we also have EURO, so the charges for the money transfer are low .
Feel free to contact us.
Best Regards
Absolute fashion store team